I’m so delighted to tell you about my Comeback Again concert experience in Taipei. Just before anything else, let me introduce myself a bit.
Hi, I’m Marez or M! I’ve been an Inspirit since 2011. Seeing INFINITE together again is a dream, and it just came to pass.

This year’s Comeback Again is truly special, and I know Inspirits will agree. We only asked for a livestream for their 13th-year anniversary, but we’ve been given more than that.
I think there's no better way for me to share the INFINITE concert experience, other than writing about it and publishing it as a blog. Welcome to this humble blog!
Infinite has been busy and in lesser activities for a while. As a fan who is waiting for them, I can only imagine and wish to see them together.
I watched their 13th anniversary livestream on YouTube in June 2023, and they have hinted that there will be a Summer concert happening in August. They even asked their fans to free their days on the 19th and 20th.
I wish I could go, but my budget and visa requirements won’t allow me to. Maybe not in Korea, but I had a chance to watch their concert again.
Story time…
It was a regular Friday on the 7th of July, 2023. I was busy prepping and sorting things out at a friend’s house. As I was scrolling down on Facebook, Comeback Again concert dates were dropped!
Having them drop more concert dates in different countries gave me hope and definitely made me excited!
Wait! This travel blog seems to be turning into a fangirling blog, hehe, but it is still about traveling, right?
You’ll see me immediately searching how much the flight, hotels, and estimated concert cost. I couldn’t even sleep early that night because my mind was still doing the math.
How I wished there was an INFINITE concert to be held in the Philippines, Malaysia, or any other country in Southeast Asia.
But then, out of the confirmed concert dates, I’m looking forward to September – because it’s my birth month! Before all this, I told myself that I would attend the INFINITE concert as long as they came back.
I also thought I’d probably have no further leave for this year and I’d like to celebrate my birthday in another country. This Comeback Again Concert seems to be granting all these wishes!
Among the countries listed, I’m inclining toward Taiwan. This was because Taiwan extended visa-free entry for Filipinos until July 31, 2024.
Let’s go to Taipei, Taiwan for the Comeback Again Concert!
I have never been to Taiwan. This trip if it happens will be very memorable for me. On top of that, the concert date is the closest to my birthday.
I’m not sure if it’s just me, but my mind won’t be at ease without securing a flight ticket. I won’t be able to do anything or concentrate on what I’m doing until I am 100% sure I have a flight ticket secured.
Two days later the Comeback Again concert dates were dropped, and I started looking for flights. Hahaha, I don’t even know if I’d be able to get the concert tickets, but I booked the flights anyway.
I also immediately messaged my Inspirit friend in Taiwan that I might be able to come. That is how excited I was!
She said we could meet there too…
The ticket sale for the Comeback Again in Taipei was on the 5th of August.
It was announced that the ticket would be real name basis. That means, only the name on the ticket can get in, and have to make sure the name and the ID used for the purchase will match to enter the venue.
Considering that, I thought I had a bigger chance to get tickets because the real-name policy would stop scalpers from buying tickets in bulk.
It’s Comeback Again Day 1 Ticket Selling…
As soon as the Comeback Again ticket-selling website started, I tried to enter. Only to get a prompt saying something about many users attempting to enter, so please wait…
I was just chilling and waiting, but when I reloaded the page, it said “SOLD OUT“. It’s not so surprising knowing it is for INFINITE’s concert, but it’s unbelievable when you’re in the situation.
So I kind of posted this on my Facebook:
I still can’t believe I have a flight to Taiwan, but no concert tickets. I was already thinking of being a “Team Labas” [team outside] during this Comeback Again concert in Taipei. I hoped I could still get in, in any possible way.
Not long, the organizers posted this:
This made my heart jump for joy! They added a Comeback Again 2nd day.
I had another chance! It’s even much closer to my birthday and it’s Lee Sung Jong’s birthday. Isn’t it much better?
What I have to make sure this time is to secure a concert ticket…
The ticket sale for Comeback Again Day 2 in Taipei will be on the 13th of August. That gives me an ample time to prepare, and also to prolong the worrying if I can get the concert ticket. I just can’t wait!
Let’s jump to Comeback Again Day 2 Ticket Selling!
Okay, you can imagine me sitting in front of my laptop that is currently plugged in, to make sure it won't die while I was securing the ticket. I have all the Google Translate ready because the website is in Chinese. I was aiming for the least expensive concert ticket. Whenever there's an available ticket, you'll need to click and enter the captcha fast, or else it's gone.
Fortunately, I managed to get past through Captcha, and now I have to enter an OTP. This is where I encountered a problem, whenever I entered the OTP, it just loops in.
I can’t get past that page. I saw some of my friends posting that they were able to secure the tickets. I was so envious!
I messaged some of them and asked how they were able to jump from that page. They never encountered the same issue as mine. It was really weird for me.
Then as I kept retrying, the website showed it was sold out – AGAIN. I literally just wanted to cry here. I do not understand what I was doing wrong, or why I can’t get any tickets at all.
Everything I read about buying concert tickets flashes back, that sometimes it can be really difficult to get one. I was in despair.
I was already thinking of canceling my flights to Taiwan, but I would also feel bad because it was supposed to be my birthday celebration.
While I was feeling down and still in disbelief, the organizers hadn’t posted any update about the tickets being sold out.
That gives me something to hope for. There might be tickets that might have expired from the checkout page. I’m preparing to take those. I still hadn’t left the website and retried to refresh it from time to time, then…
The button turned PINK again!
Pink na ulit. Ubusin na yarn! pic.twitter.com/faFiBh5OWm
— I 🫶 INFINITE 😍 (@MarezVirtucio) August 13, 2023
This time, I don’t care about the type of ticket anymore! Hahaha, I just want to get one of this Comeback Again concert ticket. FOMO, but I can’t miss this anymore.
After so many refreshes and reloads, I finally got one! Congrats to me!
Concert Ticket is finally secured!
I was jumping out of joy after securing a Comeback Again concert ticket in Taipei, Taiwan. This means I’m really going!
Then there are the fan benefits to look forward to as well!
It’s unique than what I usually see for concerts because you will have to purchase a separate ticket for the fan benefits. Those who get to purchase the additional ticket will get a mini card and poster, then a hope to win the other special fan benefits such as sound check, group photo, signed card, and signed Polaroid.
Of course, I bought myself this and I was hoping to get a “group photo” to commemorate this long-awaited concert, Sung Jong, and my birthday in one.
Aside from reserving September 3 for this concert, I still have to make plans for the succeeding days I will be in Taipei.
As usual, I did intense research on places I wanted to see in the most economical way. The majority of my trips are DIY. It's challenging to do since I have to consider the distance, the budget, and my energy if they're achievable. Here's my Taiwan Trip blog: Is a Week in Taipei Enough? Here's what I thought!
What do you think is the most exciting part of this concert? The concert itself? The trip? The fan benefits?
Oh, I think we can agree, it’s everything about it!
Day by day makes me more excited about this coming trip.
It’s thrilling to share my experience attending a solo concert in another country for the first time.
So far, securing a ticket alone was tough, yet I’m so happy about the unforgettable experience!
Jumping to the 30th of August, I anticipated this date so much. I wanted to know if I win anything from the fan benefits. I had a difficult time understanding how it works, especially since I only rely on translation apps.
Based on the sample ticket, it will be based on seat no. I did my best to check each list of winners, and I didn’t find my seat anywhere.
I had so many questions in mind, because I wondered, how would it make sense that only those who purchased the fan benefits could win if they drew all seats anyway.
So the next day, I messaged my Taiwanese friend and asked for help. She told me that the concert seat no. is different from the fan benefits one, and we checked together.
Voila! I actually won! T_T
Guess which benefit?
I’ll tell you soon, or maybe you already have guessed it, right?
This made me even more excited about this Taiwan trip! I feel very lucky and I am already thinking of what I’ll do once I get to see INFINITE up close!
One thing I really want to do is to greet Sung Jong face to face. It’s his birthday, and it will be really special for me too.
It’s the Comeback Again in Taipei Day 1!
I thought I should go and see how to get there, and I was hoping I could buy the Yeobong [INFINITE Light Stick] too.
When I got there, there were so many fans already lining up and there were stalls selling various INFINITE non-official merch.
The organizers were saying something but I didn’t understand a thing, and I don’t know where to stand or sit either. Let me tell you my hack on this scenario, I just acted as if I was looking for someone. I also entered and took a quick photo too, hahaha
Silly me, I tried lining up. I have no idea if that was the right thing to do, but I was just taking a chance to get an INFINITE light stick. After an hour of standing there, I saw someone going out with a newly bought light stick.
I asked how long she’s been lining up, and what’s the process like. She told me she had been there since 11:00 a.m. and it was already 4:00 p.m. when I approached her.
She said it’s not possible to get a light stick if you’re concert ticket is for Day 2. That made me decide to just try my luck by coming early on Day 2 and proceeding with the rest of my itinerary that day.
It’s the Comeback Again in Taipei Day 2!
It’s finally the day I was waiting for!
I woke up early. I just had a coffee and a slice of bread to fill my stomach, and I planned to eat a proper breakfast after I secured the lightstick (hopefully).
Let me tell you, there was a typhoon in Taipei then. The sky was dark and it was very windy. When I got there in the venue, there were so many fans lining up already.
The door isn’t supposed to open until 11:00 a.m. but since the rain was approaching, and there was not enough roofing outside the venue to wait, the organizers let the fans enter and re-arranged the lines to give enough roofing for those waiting in queue.
Kudos to them for doing this!
I started lining up at 10:00 a.m. and finally entered the venue at 12:00 p.m.. I was getting more excited as I was waiting for my turn to buy INFINITE merchandise.
When I was really close, the light stick was marked SOLDOUT.

If I could have been at least 15 minutes earlier, then I might have been able to get one. I said, it’s fine, let me just buy the keyring or something else. The funny thing, I was given a piece of paper showing the list of sold-out items.
In short, I didn’t get to buy anything and I just went to claim my fan benefits.
I was seriously starving too, so I would rather go find food to eat than get so sad for not getting the light stick, hahaha and It’s already 1:00 p.m.!
There were convenience stores around the New Taipei City Exhibition Hall, where I had my brunch. I actually loved the convenience store meals in Taiwan, there were many options, and very fulfilling.
At 3:30 p.m., I walked back to the venue. The concert will start at 4:00 p.m. I also dropped my “pasalubong” in the gift box area. I hope they will receive and enjoy it. I brought it from the Philippines and Malaysia. (fingercrossed they’ll visit us soon!)
The INFINITE’s Comeback Again Concert is about to start…
As soon as I entered the hall, I saw how packed the venue was. I was hoping my seat could be at least near an aisle, which it was. I was 3rd in a row, though it was already far from the stage. I couldn’t care less.

I just wanted to have fun with INFINITE and be part of this moment, that’s what matters to me then.
Since the concert started at 4:00 p.m., there were still tiny bits of sunlight coming through, so even when the stage was dark, you could still see movements and silhouettes.
The show started with INFINITE’s Come Back Again opening VCR.
Then their debut song with the dramatic curtain opening. This makes the concert extra special as it is called “Comeback Again”. This is like a battle cry slogan for a comeback.
The loud cheering from the audience will make you feel how much they have waited for this to happen again.
Afterward, they first performed their powerful songs: “BTD” the song with the popular scorpion dance.
Credit to the owner of the video
“The Chaser” which was named the 2012 K-pop Song of the Year by Billboard Magazine.
Then they had their introduction talk. This is when the “우리는 서로가… 존재하는 이유야” slogan was raised. It translates as “We are each other’s reason“.
Then they performed the passionate song “Back”.
Followed by “Paradise” in tank top [Whoa! Lucky are those seated close to the stage to watch them].
Credit to the owner of the video
They had another talk afterward. Even Woo Hyun came down the stage and spoke to a fan. [Sadly, I didn’t understand what they talked about. Hahaha].
After the talk, they danced to their songs: “The Eye”, and “Tell Me”. I really enjoyed this list. It’s amazing to listen to this being performed live. Yes, LIVE with the band!
While INFINITE was at the backstage, their Comeback Again VCR is being played. It was creatively made, where each of the members showed their unique personality.
INFINITE’s concert is dynamic!
One of the coolest portions of this concert was when they performed songs in Rock versions of “Bad”, “Last Romeo”, and “I Hate”.
The stage was really bright and vibrant. The cheering and screams were incredible! It’s another side of INFINITE that’s really worth applauding. The arrangement of these songs is magnificent!
After such a dynamic and energetic performance, they had another ment. Then they sang their ballad songs: “Still I Miss You” and “Between Me and You”. These songs really showcase their vocals and how INFINITE can be so flexible.
They also sang: “Synchronise”, it was fun to see Dong Woo dancing to this song while the others were singing.
Then they started going down the stage during “Entrust”, and “Cover Girl”.
I really enjoyed this portion because our Angel Dan, Kim Myung Soo is the first one to come to our area. As he came closer and closer, it felt like I was looking at a webtoon or a surreal face. The visual is 100%!
I waved at him and he high-fived me! I just can’t describe what I felt anymore. You can just watch the video here:
It was during this moment when Kim Sung Gyu waved at us, and I couldn’t contain how excited I was!
Our birthday celebrant also came! Lee Sung Jong is certainly the prettiest prince I ever seen. He’s just glowing and shining while holding a bouquet of flowers. Even my camera was getting a glare from his glistening beauty.
Everyone really enjoyed this portion! INFINITE’s fan service is the best!
They returned backstage, and another VCR was played. The stage had flickering lights, and an amazing backdrop as they came back on stage to perform their newest title song “New Emotions”, followed by “Time Difference”.
It was during this moment that I really felt like crying. There were times before that it seemed impossible to see them together on one stage again, but as a fan, I was there waiting and hoping this would happen. And it did!
I saw it with my own eyes and listened to them with my own ears. All the wait is worth it and I’m very proud of INFINITE. I stan an amazing group!
They had another talk before they performed their most legendary bop song, “Be Mine”. This is a song that will always make you think of INFINITE, their story, and their success.
This is the song that will always make you sing the “3, 2, 1” and “oh!” If you are curious, watch this!
Another fun part of the concert is when INFINITE is throwing signed balls to Inspirits while singing “Man In Love”.
It has a delightful melody which really matches the vibe of tossing signed balls. Since I’m sitting quite far away, I have no luck getting one. It’s okay, this didn’t make the experience any less.
It was followed by “Nothing’s Over”. This is the song that introduced me to INFINITE. This has a cute fan chant, where INFINITE sings the, “딴놈 만나면 안돼” or “Don’t meet other guys” and they’ll respond “Die, Die”.
It’s like teasing their fans. Plus the “Dae Dae Dae” is now a fan chant that seems to be a part of the song.
Another cute moment here is when Dong Woo was fan-chanting himself but kind of messing it up before his rap part.
And… during the breakdance, Woo Hyun tried but made a silly mistake, and then they sang the rap part altogether. I guess this is one of the most fun moments during this concert.
This makes the performance as real as it can be, talented human beings having fun, Hahaha.
There’s a ment after, and this is when the “내 청춘 내 세상 인피니트로 시작” slogan was raised. This translates to “My youth, my world, starts with Infinite“.
Then we sang the happy birthday song to Lee Sung Jong. It was when the first attempt to sing the “Saeng il Chuk ka hamnida!”, and he also spoke his message after.
It was a cute moment because Inspirits was supposed to sing “Together” with INFINITE but couldn’t get timing to sing. It made me fall in love with INFINITE more that they started leading Inspirits to sing along with them.
What a sweet gesture!
Then we sang the happy birthday song to Lee Sung Jong. It was when the second attempt to sing the “Saeng il Chuk ka hamnida!”, and he also spoke his message.
The next song is “Clock”. This is a dream come true! Do you know why?
This song was released when INFINITE’s leader Kim Sung Gyu was serving in the Military, thus only five (5) members sang the song. Now six (6) of them performing this song live.
It started with a stunning laser drawing the INFINITE logo on stage.
While they sang this song, it was lovely to see Inspirit start waving their phones with the flashes lit up during the second verse of this song. Imagine this is a packed venue and the audience is making this beautiful Inspirit ocean.
I was there! I witnessed it!
After such an emotional song, they exited the stage.
We can’t miss the encore!
As for the encore, Inspirits started singing “Dasi Dorawa, Dorawa, Dorawa” which means “Come Back Again”. This is the chorus portion of INFINITE’s debut song “Comeback Again”.
It’s a lovely moment and has always been part of INFINITE’s concert. You can hear the whole hall chanting this for about three (3) minutes. Then the encore debate VCR was played.
INFINITE came back on stage with loud cheering from Inspirits. Lee Sung Yeol even ran to the stage and excitedly came down to come closer to their fans.
This is when they sang “Wind”, a really cute song that has a lovely tune that is perfect for this moment.
Nam Woo Hyun came to our area. He’s always mischievous, but I will make a little tampo (sulking) because he didn’t return my heart. Hahaha, he’s my UB. So forgive me for teasing him.
@marezvirtucio 🌳#NamWooHyun♾️ #INFINITE #남우현 #Comeback_Again_in_Taipei As always… he has a fun way interacting with his fans 😍 Stories to tell at: https://marezvirtucio.com/ #kpopfancam ♬ 분다 – INFINITE
They also sang “As Good As It Gets”, and this is when our INFINITE Company CEO Kim Sung Gyu also came to our area.
He has this charismatic aura that can’t be really captured by a camera. He looks like a cool smart guy, who is surely rich!
@marezvirtucio #인피니트 #INFINITE #인피니트콘서트 #인피니트대만공연 #INFINITE_concert_inTaipei #COMEBACK_AGAIN #COMEBACK_AGAIN_IN_TAIPEI ♬ original sound – Marez Virtucio
Hehehe a real-life CEO!
Our sexiest Lee Sung Yeol was almost near our zone, but I could only see him from afar happily signing autographs for Inspirits and having fun.
Jang Dong Woo our energetic oppa didn’t have the chance to come near our area. I’m happy to see him really giving his all and enjoying the moment with Inspirits.
The birthday event for Lee Sung Jong…
After they came back to the stage, we sang the Happy Birthday song once again, the third attempt. It was so sweet to see our leadernim and maknae together.
It can be seen how close they are to each other.
During the fourth attempt of the Happy Birthday song, the birthday cake came out.
This year Sung Jong entered the 30s. He’s been with INFINITE since his teenage years. You can truly feel how the Hyungs love their maknae.
INFINITE expressed their messages to all the fans there. I can only watch and listen. But I feel their sincerity. I wish next time I could truly understand each word they say. For now, seeing them together being mature and grown-ups is enough.
They sang “Begin Again” as their final song for this concert. It’s a perfect song as INFINITE is beginning its journey again in their own company – INFINITE Company.
As confetti were flying over the hall, INFINITE went from left to right to middle to give a bow to their fans.
I enjoyed listening to the live band as INFINITE exited the stage. The cheering from the crowd is sensational. As the concert ended, some already started leaving their seats while I was there still savoring the moment.
The “Dasi Dorawa, Dorawa, Dorawa” chant is happening again… It’s a cue to the second encore!
Wait! A Second Encore?
OMG! Dong Woo started coming out of the stage again.
Those who have left their seats returned. Even Sung Jong, Sung Yeol, and Woo Hyun chanted the “Dasi Dorawa, Dorawa, Dorawa”.
They teased Myung Soo with the “Destiny” song.
As Woo Hyun asked if the fans knew the song “Julia”, the live band started playing it. He couldn’t even finish what he’s trying to say, hehehe.
During this time, Sung Yeol still came down the stage, taking photos, giving signatures, and having fun with the fans. Lucky are those near the stage to relish this moment.
My way of enjoying this moment is by singing along to the songs.
As soon as the song finished, they called Sung Yeol who is still down the stage. Then they started singing “In The Summer”.
What an amazing vocal blending to listen to. They performed a total of 26 songs, 21 are the setlist, 3 encore songs, and a bonus of 2 more songs for the 2nd encore!
Before leaving the stage, Woo Hyun and Sung Gyu also sang a bit of “Lately”. At backstage, INFINITE sang “Can You Smile” so Inspirits sang along followed by cheering.
We knew the show really ended when the “New Emotions” were being played in the background.
You can refer to the list of their songs here:
[INFO] 230903 INFINITE "Comeback Again" Concert (Taipei) – Setlist #인피니트 pic.twitter.com/VT5tw4X6ec
— INFINITE INFO (Semi-Hiatus) (@ifntinfo) September 3, 2023
Whoa! I truly enjoyed each moment during the concerts. It will be cherished!
This made my birthday more memorable…
Here’s what I won!

The photo came out on my birthday too. How awesome it is!

Thank you INFINITE for all the wonderful memories. Let’s grow old together!
To my readers, thanks for your support! Feel free to explore more of my stories here. Love lots – Marez